You Plank.
Highly detailed technical drawings... and a foul
coloured carpet
Cutting the panels for the second stage
Edging strips for the second stage, and faces slotted
in place
First & Second stage latticework... then trimmed
Glueing the second stage... which is slotted into
the base
The driver's eye view (shortly before he sees the
inside of an Ambulance)
More edging strips make...
...more mess!
Bits for the first stage (just like a Meccano kit!)
Lots, and lots of bits, for more latticework (all
cut with the same angled end)
Bored... chucked some of it together in the garden
Gordon playing with his wood
**NEW - 15 July**
The whole of the second stage (clamped, as it's glueing)
The latticework for the top of the first stage
**NEW - 20 July**
Cutting the arches
The first stage viewing platform... with supports...
...and glued
**NEW - 26 July**
DIY Eiffel Tower Kit - Serial #1
2nd stage platform
2nd stage platform, and 2nd stage painted
Loose fit together (the final cart's probably gonna
be as dodgy...)
More pics will be added, as long as Gordon doesn't lose any fingers.